(siehe deutsche Version unten)


As a baseline, data from a total of 150 businesses were analyzed, none of which are customers of Eaternity. This was chosen deliberately, as businesses that are customers of Eaternity could have a better carbon footprint. We wanted to exclude this effect to ensure as realistic a representation of the catering industry as possible.

The companies are from the system catering for businesses, industry, schools, universities, and the health care sector. The majority are located in Switzerland.

The baseline was calculated across all product purchases over 2019, 2020, and 2021, as this is where the data was most reliable. A total of 160,545 products were considered. Not only the CO₂ values (always CO₂ equivalents) were taken into account here, but also the nutritional values. After all, food has the purpose of supplying our body with nutrients and energy. Therefore, the CO₂ value per Daily Food Unit (DFU) was calculated. A Daily Food Unit represents the daily requirement of water, fat, protein, energy, and dry matter.

For the calculation and derivation of the "Daily Food Unit" see also: Daily Food Unit - DFU [EN/DE]

For the calculation, the total amount of CO₂ per year was divided by the total amount of Food Units to calculate the CO₂ /DFU value for all 3 years on an average. The value is 3894 g CO₂ per Daily Food Unit.

Categorization according to processing

In 2019-2021, the CO₂ calculations did not yet include food processing. Accordingly, it was necessary to subsequently allocate the additional CO₂ emissions to the 160,545 products to complete the calculation.

The purchase of goods was summarized so that each purchased product was only listed once. Products without at least one processing step were removed. The remaining 3844 products were classified according to their processing.

The following processing steps were considered: