The reduction value shows you how much CO2eq you save with your purchase.

Example calculation below.


co2value_g = 2667

This is the CO2-equivalent value associated with your product. Our example product accounts for 2667 grams.

DFU = 0.32

Short for “Daily Food Unit”, this is the number of Daily Food Units associated with your product. Our example product has 0.32.

global CO2/DFU_g = 3894

This is the global CO2 divided by Daily Food Unit ratio, that we’ve calculated based on the millions of products that we’ve analyzed.


Reduction value = global CO2/DFU_g * DFU - co2value_g

Reduction value = 3894 * 0.32 - 2667 = -1420.92

Hence, in this example your reduction value is around -1421g CO2eq which means you emit more compared to the average.

It is also possible to calculate the reduction value based on the Improvement percentage calculation [EN/DE]: Improvement percentage = 1 - (co2value_g / DFU ) / global CO2/DFU_g