How did this project come about?

It is estimated that the CO2 equivalents caused per European are about 8.4 tons per year. Up to a third of this is caused by the production, transport or even disposal of our food. There is enormous savings potential here - and that over a long term. But it is not so easy to implement this in our everyday lives: consumers are left alone and do not know what concrete impact their food has on the climate and how they can reduce it. That's why we are now taking matters into our own hands!

This is climate change

Human activities are responsible for the rise in temperature. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are released into the air through the burning of fossil fuels and agricultural practices. When greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are released into the air, they trap the sun's heat on the earth. This causes the earth's temperature to rise, leading to climate change. Since the heat is not evenly distributed, the northern regions heat up much faster than other regions. In addition to the increase in temperature, the circulation and distribution of water on the earth is also changing, as well as many other factors that influence our lives and the way we can inhabit this planet. Efforts are being made worldwide to keep the temperature increase within limits. At the Paris Climate Change Conference in 2015, a global agreement was reached to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius and thus keep its consequences at least at a manageable level. (Ref.: Eaternity).