Eaternity's goal is "Accelerating the World's Transition to a Sustainable Food System."

We challenge ourselves to find the fastest way to a sustainable food system. From the analysis of this goal in the context of the market, our assets and opportunities, we constructed the following "master plan":

Point "0" is our business and operational ethic. This is how we see collaborations with competitors, which we see on first contact as partners. It also gives us the arbiter of choice, when it comes to critical decisions. At its core, it implicitly says: "Eaternity is not building for the profit of individuals". Critical decisions are usually of the type: "Do we open source this?", "Do we want this investor?", "Who to hire?", "Where to invest our development resources?", "Who do we partner with?".

Point "1" is our business focus, build on our business model. This is our core value proposition to our clients. We build the tool which all major food should want to use to improve on their sustainability metrics. The interfaces and the requirements for primary data differ for each segment, the core calculation engine is the same. Checkout our products for producersrestaurants and retailers.


Point "2" is the non-commercial-oriented over-arching strategy of Eaternity. This is what we aspire to do. By applying our toolset of the environmental operating system, we want to be known for providing the environmental impact for all foods for free and accessible to everyone. As this is done in collaboration with partners, we have given it its own website.